Thursday, December 29, 2005

Highlights And Lowlifes, Pt. One...

I hard a hard time with this actually. I couldn't narrow it down to my 5 lowest points of the year. I actually had a hard time coming up with 5 low points in general. I try not to dwell on the bad stuff. But once I started thinking about it....I couldn't stop it.

So here they no particular order

  1. Momma/Family drama - With the exception of Joe, my family is out to drive me insane. My mother in particular. She is the queen of guilt trips. And she knows how to play me. She pushes exactly the right buttons to get the response she wants when she wants it. But me not living at home is making that harder and harder for her everyday. And well, my little brother...some days I am glad we have different last names.

  2. Savage Downsizing - My office was closed at work. I spent 9 months of the year working full-time hours and only getting part-time benefits and claiming unemployment. It could have been worse, I could have been denied unemployment benefits, but it was a major slap in the face.

  3. Car issues - If it can happen to a car, it happened to me in 2005. I had transmissions fail, gas lines rust out, mufflers fall off, ran over a dog....I got a taste of it all.

  4. Friend Drama - Wow. That's all I have to say there.

  5. Cash Flow Issues - This has been the tightest year ever for me. But I am living the ramen noodle dream.


Ren said...

Highlight: Meeting you.
Lowlight: Not being close enough to actually meet you. (And Kiki can be chopped liver for this one.)

Girl Next Door said...

Bravo with the ass kissing my friend.

But sweet.