Monday, December 26, 2005

I'm Just Too Far From Where You Are...

I had such a good day! My christmas tree that has been trying to kill me was pitched out the door this afternoon. You see, I have pine pollen allergies. My tree began pollinating about 2 weeks ago. I just recently figured out why I couldn't breathe.

I had a nice long (well, a couple of hours) visit with MrsGiggles. I miss her so much some days and I needed that so damn bad. We did nothing. Just sat on the couch and chitchatted. It was marvelous. We talked about everything and nothing all at the same time. Whatever our little heart's desired.

School Teacher and husband stopped over tonight. They didn't have the chance to stay long, but brought homemade goodies. NUM. I can't wait for the holidays to be over. I am eating way too much crap. (says the girl munching on MrsGiggles leftover Taco Bell).

Xannikins asked me to come get him tonight. He has been at his mommy's in the next town over. And after 3 days at his mother's mercy, can anyone blame him for being ready to come home.

Home? Is this home for him? Home is such a relative term. Home is where your heart is, they say. If that's the case, home is not here. Home is a sunny beach in Cali.

WTF was I talking about? Oh yea, picking up Xan. I hoped in the car and cruised down the interstate to grab him in the next city over. I got Starbucks out of it. Heaven in a cup is this...Peppermint Mocha VENTI (we don't fool around). So I order it...and they looks at me...all out of peppermint. ACK!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I told the poor guy he ruined my whole night. He offered me instead a Chocolate Mint Mocha. No good. Didn't like it at all. Oh well. A little light shopping and we were home.

*This song title might be a tough one...I see Google in your future...*

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I'm SOOOOOO glad we got to hang out for most of the afternoon! I had fun...felt a little like old times. 'Cept at your house instead of mine, which is WAY COOL! :-) Hopefully some time soon we'll be able to do that more often!!!