Friday, March 31, 2006

I Am Leaving My Husband...

Well, not yet. But don't say you didn't know ahead of time when you hear about our divorce.

I have this customer, OMG, that I would break up with my 'husband' to ruin his happy marriage.

He makes me all aflustered. He came in 20 minutes ago and I am still blushing. A tasty dish indeed.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Let The Rain Fall Down...

The first rain of spring. It's amazing how I waited for this and it finally arrived today. I was in the car. It felt good to be driving in it. I rolled the window down, so I could feel it against my skin. For just a few minutes, I felt completely at peace with the world. It was incredibly relaxing and perfect. I was listening to the perfect CD at the time. I drove right past my destination in favor of just driving. When I reached the highway again, I contemplated just going. No where, drive just to drive and see where I end up. Take a left when I should take a right, just to discover. I thought it better to just come home instead.

I had a pretty perfect day. Did you miss me? I first got up at like 6 and then went back to bed, when I got up at 8:30, I was running late. After a quick shower, I was out the door. Renee and I headed up to Minocqua. Stop number 1 was La Baquette. I think I left my heart there. Tarts = good. I am going to wager that french bakery, in general = good.

We were then off to Trish's. Renee fell in love there. She couldn't take enough in, and she can't wait to go back. In fact, it's all she talked about most of the afternoon. It was a nice little visit with Trish. Hearing her story about seeing a new "doctor" yesteday, made my heart ache. Why do all the best people in the world get the short end of the stick? It's just not fair. She is an amazing woman, she takes it all in stride with as much grace as her body will allow her. And for that, I will always admire her. She's one of the most wonderful people I know. And her husband Joe, well, he's pretty amazing too. He is going through alot right now, mostly because there's no clear answer as to what is going on, and still he has a smile. If you don't know them, you don't know what you are missing.

We were then off to Gaslight Square to the store "Remember When". It's a retro dream come true. And a "Breakfast at Tiffany's" palace. Over the last few weeks, I have just seen things differently and I have suddenly a very clear image in my mind on decorating, and it will be retro and fantastic...when the time comes.

After a divine lunch of cheeseburgers, we went to this scrapbook store and spent an hour just wandering. I have this picture of a friend that I just adore and I was hoping for inspiration. I should have brought the photo with. Perhaps if I had seen it against paper, I could have made a choice. But I did find this sticker that said "cookie lover" that is pretty perfect and I had to buy it.

We had to scurry back to pick her kids up from school and it was something so simple but it was beautiful and heart breaking for me all at the same time. Watching children run to their parents excited to tell them about the day past, was beautiful. It made me sad. Will I ever get that chance? Her boys are adorable. The sound of children's voice and giggles filled my car, and somewhere in the deafening noise, I just had to smile. However their adorableness wore off when her oldest asked, "Auntie June, how come you aren't married? You seem so cool, and I think you are pretty. So why don't you get married?" She scurried her boys inside before I could even process the question. We sat and talked for a few minutes while I played with her kitties and then I headed home. The rain was just the perfect cap on the afternoon. I am going to try my hardest to make sure that nothing happens tonight to take anything away from this day.

And if you stuck it out to the end of this monster...I give you alot of credit.

Just Because He's Hot..

If nothing else, this man is reason enough for me to watch AI.

Idol Thoughts...

How is it that Bucky is still on this show???? He is so bad! And come on....his given name is Bucky!!!! It's American Idol....not Redneck Idol....

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Movie Mumblings...

Must Love Dogs...

I must marry John Cusak. How goddamn adorable is that man? I want to have his babies. I wouldn't mind throwing....oh wait...the movie. It was cute as hell. Perfect girly movie. Exactly what I needed.

Gimme Gimme Some...

Life is freaking sweet. The sun is out. The high is forcasted in the 50's. Godzilla is in a good mood. I am in the vault. I get to leave early. I have tomorrow off. I might see Trish today.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I just saw a little too much of Zack.

First, he did a very entertaining 'dance', if you can call it that.

Then, he showed us his butt.

Idol Thoughts...

To quote Paula: Elliot is one funky white boy.

The only two I could handle tonight were Elliot and Chris (soooo hot).

Loving It...

My pants are falling off me!!! Normally not such a good thing, today I feel great about it.

Conversational Driplet...

Crazy Chicken: My mother-in-law gave me a floral sachet for my birthday and I put it in my underwear drawer. Now, all I can smell is my underwear.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Why I Am The Richest Girl Around...

I am so lucky

A Case Of The Mondays...

Kiki is ill today. Grr. I know must cover her shift tonight. I work 7.30-6 today, tomorrow and Wednesday. Not cool. Whatev. It's more money in my pocket. And that's what it's all about.

I am having to work way too hard as a result. One teller is in Vegas. That leaves Laurie and I to carry the bulk of the transactions. The two we are left with are completely useless.

Prior to being sent to lunch at 11.30 (double grr), I had run 135 transactions for the day. I am kicking ass and taking names today.

The Midnight Train To Georgia...

The train came through last night (this morning) at 12.21 a.m. For 15 minutes the entire house shook. They blared the horn 4 times, and I jumped each time.

I never really fell back asleep after that.


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Emoting Emotions...

Today I saw Ryan. YAY! We had tacos.

Then I went to the movies with Joe and Barb. And Trish and Morgan. What a happy suprise! V for Vendetta still good. Have you seen it yet? Why not?

Then I went back to Joe and Barb's where Miles read me a story. Miles. Read me a story. My 5 y/o nephew read me a story. How awesome is that?

I also grew some balls and asked Joe and Barb if I could live with them, should no housing alternative present themselves. They being the wonderful people they are, of course said yes.

I am happy, but I want to cry too. I am thinking about that Sting song, "I'm So Happy, I Can't Stop Crying." It's a sad song, and I'm not sad. But I want to cry.

I miss some people. Maybe that's it. But the people that are here, make sure I know how loved I am.

There Is Nothing Scared In This World...

I saw my Mom for a few minutes today.

She mentioned that she read something I wrote about her on Myspace. And that she planned on registering.

It won't take long for her to enter the bloggy world then. Or at least stumble across it. Great.

I Have A Vendetta Again...

Gonna see V for Vendetta again tonight. I'm pumped.

My friend Ryan is in town from Wausau today. We are getting tacos!!! NUMMY!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

A Mystery No More....

Baby Giggles is a boy!!!!

You can visit Baby?! Oh Baby! for regular updates on the Giggles' adventures in pregnancy and relocation.

Not Just Talking Heads...

My whole body is talking.

My fingers are asking me, "Why I can't feel them?"

My foot is telling me, "HAHAHA!! Bitch. That's how it's going to be today!!! Limp City. You will hurt today."

My sinuses are saying, "We will stab your eyes, till they pop out."

What a good day.

In The Grand Scheme Of Things...

Tab Energy...

Not so bad for an energy drink. But it doesn't taste like Tab.

Turn The Beat Around...

Songs I am digging right now...

Jason Aldean - Why
Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most (new album april 4th WAHOO)
Santana w/Steven Tyler - Feel Better
The Fray - Over My Head (Cable Car)
Pink - Stupid Girls

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Oh What A Night...

A strange, emotional, disconnected night.

My heart goes out to my roommates tonight.

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of...

WAHOO!!! Tellers gone wild baby!!!

Branch manager Godzilla is out the rest of the week, Both VP's are out, the only one left is a lender who doesn't care.

It's a thing of beauty.

He Said What...

I just heard the President say the word 'blog'.

So I thought I should blog it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Doctor, Doctor, Gimme The News...

Something is going on with my face. Well, my skin to be more specific. There are a couple of options.

The uprising in my skin can be blamed on one of the following:

A) Allergic Reaction
B) Instant Winter Dry Skin
C) Early Warning Signs of the Worst Breakout of My LIFE
D) Flesh Eating Zombie Virus

I am pulling for D, personally.

Yay Me...

My co-workers apparent have discussed and decided that I have lost weight.

I don't think so, but yay me anyway.

Something To Keep In Mind...

The meat I just ate. Questionable at best.

If you don't hear from me, in a couple of days, come check on me. Please.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

It's All About The Sale...

And suprisingly enough, this has nothing to do with shopping.

As all bankers know, there is this magic word called, referrals. Every bank has them. Every bank, or business even needs them. The truth in banking is that the more products and services you have with your institution, the less likely you are to leave them. Simply because, it's too much effort to switch it all over. But that's not the point. The point lies in the fact that everyone in banking, I don't care who you are, is expected to be a referral god.

Well, at my institution, I have become a force to be reckoned with. I am the best seller in the branch. You want something talk to me. That's just the truth. It started out as a financial advantage for me. The more I sold, the more money I made. This is still true, because let's face it, I don't show up everyday because it's fun. I am there to get paid. And pay me they shall. But now it's moved beyond that. Somewhere along the way, I turned into this machine.

Our sales progress is tracked monthly on a chart with little stars (just like grade school). At first I found this a little demeaning. Now it's a driver. I will have the most stars every month, so by definition, I will have the highest payout every month. I can't stand having less stars then anyone else.

Ask MrsGiggles, I find oppourtunities to sell everywhere. But in her case, I was just being a smart ass. Today, I basically sold snow to an eskimo. And they bought it to make snowcones with. I am pretty damn proud of myself actually.

To be honest, I am working on honing my sales skills. A teller who can sell is a valueable assett. If I want to leave here, I need to be able to market myself. So I figure if I can get a little practice in and get paid to do it, rock on.

Booming Babies...

There is a snippet on the front page of the local paper that reads, "Baby Boomers emerge as uncharted Meth addicts." After reading this, Kiki asked what exactly a baby boomer was. I don't want to spoil the awesomeness of Kiki actually posting something, so you can read about it on her blog (when she posts it). But this prompted me to AGAIN today head over to Urban Dictionary.

Baby Boomers are described as:
The generation born from 1943 to 1960. Towards the end of World War II, there was a surge in births hence the name "Baby Boom". During the 1960s, the Baby Boomers made up the core of the Counterculture, opposed to the Vietnam War and the Establishment. They are the parents of Generation X (born from 1961-1981) and Generation Y (born from 1982-2003).

Baby boomers are part of the "Damn the man" generation? I did not know this.
The previous description for Baby Boomer is as follows:
The people who are destroying social security.

But this led me to think about the differences between Gen X & Y.

Gen X'ers are described as:
The generation born right around the end of the 1960s baby boomer cultural takeover, basically anyone born after 1965 (Dylan going electric) and before 1977 (so that you'd hafta be at least 1 yr. old when Star Wars came out). The title Generation X was designated by the media to indicate a distinct group population for marketing purposes. Generation X members are generally considered laid back (slackers), market savvy (having been inundated by the mass media and MTV since their pre-teen years), prone to psychological disorders (the first generation with a majority to have grown up with absent or divorced parents), and considered less important than baby boomers (who are btw the egomaniacal bastids to make that distinction in the first place, sheesh). Generational trends however suggest that Gen Xers are smarter than people think, are more capable and hard working than expected, and will eventually rule the world by lining up the baby boomer bastards against the wall when the revolution comes!
Gen Y is:
The generation of people coming after the slacker and media influenced generation x. A generation known for superficiality, egos, mixture of urban and suburban cultures, school shootings, import cars, multi racial-ethnic-religious-national mix of people in society, spiritual seeking and searching, and the generation changed by 9/11 and who will be the generation that will change the world.

So what? Because I am a Gen X'er, I am not likely to change the world. That's a bunch of crap. Just for saying that...I am going to cure cancer or somethin. If you need me....I'll be in my lab.

Movie Mumblings...

Jarhead: I wasn't sure what to expect of this movie. I just figured it was going to be another Black Hawk Down, which was just ok. This was far better then I expected. There were some very solid performances here. It's not your typical war movie. In fact, there was very little action, it told the story of solider's and I think that's what I liked about it.

Vampire Hunter D: Well, it didn't blow. It took me 3 times of watching this for me to finish it. It didn't blow is all I have to say about it.

Cellular: It could have been worse. It did move along enough to keep me interested. I mean, anything with cellphones is bound to speak to me on some level.

Rebound: This also could have been worse. Not a whole lot to say about it. It's a Martin Lawrence movie.

Roll Bounce: What was I thinking? 70's roller rink drama starring Bow Wow?!!?! Wow, I have some seriously questionable taste.

On the table next is Snow Day and Must Love Dogs

Monday, March 20, 2006


or not enough information...

My mom is the Lube Fairy.

And that's all I am saying.

Happy Happy Joy Joy...


Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Precautionary Tale...

If we don't hear from Joe anymore, it's because he died from lack of taco.

Shake It Don't Break It, Took Yo Momma 9 Months To Make It...

*insert spastic happy dance*

Xan started work today.

But sadly he is not the new face of Hot Topic. Apparently, he is too normal for the Emo kids to vote for.

Behind These Hazel Eyes...

I was listening to the song 'Count on Me' by Default (I love them), and it got me thinking about the kind of friend I am. And that got me thinking about the person I am. It got me thinking about the person I wish sometimes I was.

So this was born.

I am the girl who will give you everything. Until I have nothing left.
I am the girl who will pick you up when you fall.
I am the girl who will support you unconditionally.
I am the girl who will be there when it counts.
I am the girl who will be your best friend.
I am the girl who will be there first and leave last.
I am the girl who loves with her whole being.
I am the girl who can see good in every human being. Even the vile ones.
I am the girl who is your rock.
I am the girl who is the most patient.
I am the girl who wishes on stars.
I am the girl who has an opinion about everything.
I am the girl who is the strongest in the room.
I am the girl who can laugh at herself.
I am the girl who can make you laugh.
I am the girl who will dry your tears.
I am the girl who will bring you soup if you are sick.
I am the girl who will stand beside you. Right or wrong.
I am the girl who knows the difference between standing behind you and standing beside you.
I am the girl who is smarter then she lets on.
I am the girl who wants more for you. And then herself.

I am the girl who might never break out.
I am the girl who is scared to take a risk.
I am the girl who is dumber then she lets on.
I am the girl who gets annoyed easily.
I am the girl who analyzes risk until it's not relevant anymore.
I am the girl who lets her fears silence her.
I am the girl who overthinks until she loses sleep.
I am the girl who cries when no one is looking.
I am the girl who is least likely to be a bride. Or a mother.
I am the girl who gives until she has nothing left.
I am the girl who never gave herself a chance.
I am the girl who makes snap judgements and sticks to them.
I am the girl who will not stand up for herself.
I am the girl who will let you take advantage of her.
I am the girl who frequently keeps her opinions to herself.
I am the girl who quits when things get tough.
I am the girl who hides behind who she is.

It's amazing that these two sides can even be the same person. These two form the person that I am. The good and the bad. So there I am, take me or leave me (but don't leave me).

I guess there wasn't a whole lot of point to this post.

I Might Be Sick...

Ray-ray invited me to go to Wausau.

I do not want to go.

I do not want to spend money.

I do not want to pass up a chance at Starbucks.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

St. Patrick's Day In Pictures.

As predicted...I was home by 11:30. I was up until 3 am on the phone with Xan. But I was home when I said damnnit!

Remember, Remember the 5th of November*...

*Should be titles Movie Mumblings, but this is cooler*

Going to a movie is a strange experience. You sit in the dark, a faceless shadow. No different then the faceless shadow next to you. You have gathered for one reason. To escape. To be entertained.

What's amazing is when you have a low expectation of a movie, and find it to be mind blowing. V for Vendetta was that movie for me. I expected little. I had just hours before read a scathing review giving the movie a mere 2 stars. Kiki so calmly reminded me that, I seldom agree with critics. This is one of those cases. This movie was the first movie I have seen in awhile where as I was exiting the theatre, I was trying to figure out when I could purchase it.

If you listen to nothing else I say to you, see this movie.

Even if this movie blew major ass, I totally saw $7 worth of previews. Summer movie season is going to rock!!!

And as far as movies this weekend, I am going to watch Jarhead, Cellular, Vampire Hunter D (try again to watch this), and Snow Day.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy Everyone's Irish Day...

Of all the drinking holidays out there, this is the most popular.

Miss Trish is having a small gathering tonight which I will be attending. And the wild woman that I am, I figure I will be home in bed by midnight. That's including the 30 minute drive home. Party On!

There is a whole string of alcohol appropriate for this holiday. Dr's, a bagillion types of irish creams, jello shots, Guiness...etc.

To those going to celebrate on the town, or with a few friends I give you this tiding. Drink like you are not going to get another St. Patrick's Day this year.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Goodbye firey redhead

Hello plain jane brunette

I am easing back into my natural color. Whatever that is.

Step Away From The Latte...

I have had 2, count them 2, double shot soy Almond Joy lattes.

I am flying like a tweaking meth whore.

I am going to crash HARD later.

Idol Thoughts...

So here we are. The top 12. I have not been quiet in the fact that I have my favorites already.

Chris and Kellie (and for some reason the photo upload page is not liking me again today).

Chris is hot hot hot. He is a tasty man treat. Yum. Oh yea, and he can really belt it out. I love him.

Kellie is freaking adorable and the girl has some pipes. I doubt she'll win thou, her name is Kellie and they already had a Kellie. And she's kind of Carrie Underwood part 2. So, as much as I would like to see her money is on Paris or Mandisa.

Last night was Stevie Wonder night. OMG WHAT A FREAKING SNOOZE FEST!!! Chris was the only decent one. He sang 'Higher Ground' ala Chili Peppers. It was so freaking good.

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if little Kevin goes home tonight. I love him, but I was unimpressed.

Cursing The Sun...

DAMNNIT!! It's my day off and I have been awake since 7.30 because of the blasted sunshine!!! GRRR!! (that's my annoyed growly noise)

And then Kiki text me from work to tell my our one customer made his mail order bride debut today and I MISSED IT!!! DRATS!!! I miss all the good stuff. I have never been there when the cops show up when the alarms malfunction (due to human error). I miss the mail order brides. I miss the dancing customers. DAMNNIT!!!

Ray-ray and I are going out for breakfast and the scrapbook store today. And later tonight I am subjecting myself to my family by going over to my mom's for some free laundry and food.

Monday, March 13, 2006

New Obessions...

I have to thank Dirty Bunny and Miss Hector for the following reasons:

DB: Bunny Bombs are the shiz. You must all buy lots of bunny bombs!!! Bath's will never be the same.

MH: Gosh darn it. I love Burt's Bees junk now. The Coconut foot lotion, the minty lip balms, the lemon butter nail cream, the Orange face wash....I love it all. And all at a reasonable price too.

Movie Mumblings...

Akira and Seamless

Akira: Akira was better the second time I tried to watch it. The first time was kind of a flop. No one was really interested. The second time, I really paid attention and enjoyed it. Who knew anime could be ok?

Seamless: OMG, it bored the hell out of me. What was I thinking? A documentary about unknown designers? Damn, I might as well have shot myself in the head.

Next on my Netflix list are Cellular, Roll Bounce and Rebound. I might go digging around in Xan's box of stuff and see if I can't find something to watch tonight.

What The Hell....


I have never in my life, before today, seen a snowstorm that involved thunder and lightning.

Waiting For The Storm...

The storm that was to arrive last night hasn't yet. I was fully expecting there to be 10 inches on the ground when I woke up. I even got up a few minutes early to give myself more time. I was overjoyed to see the lack of snow. I sat down at my computer and click on the local news. They basically told me....give it an hour and then it'll be snowing like holy hell. Sweet!! We can expect at least 7 inches. I am pumped.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Graphic Content Warning...

Today's photo post contains graphic content.

Please view with discretion.

Happiness Is...

A Carmel Moolatte

Friday, March 10, 2006

Required Homework...

For the weekend children, you will be required to head on over to Joe's, listen to the audio post and write a 50 word report on the Hawiian Nose Flute.

Movie Mumblings...

Walk the Line: Worth every Oscar nom. it recieved. It was a compelling story. I forgot that I wasn't watching Johnny Cash. The performances where pretty damn inpressive. Certainly worth a glance.

Two for the Money: This was a damn good movie. Pacino is a god. Matthew McConaughey is a god, but on a whole other scale. Hmmm...lift this weights baby! How is it that that man can gross me out one day...and be very god-like the next. I can't help but love him.

On the table is Seamless and Akira.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

That's Not Creepy At All...

My crazy (she's actually crazy...she admits to being medicated because she hears voices) co-worker chased me around the office with this creppy assed clown today.

I finally get MrsGiggles.

What A Weird Night....

My brother tried to stick his big toe up my nose.

Good Luck Xan...

Voting has closed in the Hot Topic Model Search.

I have to thank my friends that signed up and voted for him. I know what a pain in the ass registering at that site really is.

He will hear in the next week or so.

Good luck to him.

My thoughts are also with his sister this week as she headed to the doctor to have some masses in her breasts removed. The doctor is kind of scaring everyone by not even having an ultrasound done...they are going straight to surgery. He is scared for her, and so am I. It's scary to be less the 25 and going through this. So my prayers are with her.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I Should Have Called In...

I did more between 11-4 then my co-workers and I did all week.

Happy Blogging Birthday... Dirty Bunny Barbie.

I send her all my love today.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

_______ Sucks...

I have just come from delivering flowers to Barbie at work.

Ya, it's sleeting and stuff out there.


It's Coming I Swear...


The congestion in my chest tells me it's not far off.

Monday, March 06, 2006

I Am JoeFish's Bitch v.1.2...

Today I am beginning my hunt for a part-time job. Amongst other things, the money part of life isn't going so well. I laid my financial situation all out this weekend and it turns out I am getting by on roughly $60 a month for groceries and spending money. I understand now why I have no cash.

So my hunt for extra employment begins. Today I am stopping at Sunburst Tanning. Apparently they are really short handed.

I had a part time job about 2 years ago. I hated it. I didn't need it, I just wanted the extra income. Now, I do. With the uncertainity of my housing I have had to make a lot of hard choices. I have had to make some choices and set deadlines that I am not happy with, so, if you aren't something to change it.

Unhappy choice #1.
If I have not figured out housing by May 1st, I will speak to my mother about moving back home. (And I think you should know that a small part of me dies everytime those words leave my mouth.)

I Am JoeFish's Bitch v.1.0...

As a part of getting schooled on the Oscar's again this year...Everything I post today must be titled "I Am Joefish's Bitch..."

But I am closing the gap...I only lost by 3 this I consider it a moral victory...because I totally kicked his ass on Best Picture.

But it doesn't matter, because 'It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp."

Sunday, March 05, 2006

_______ Sucks...


I am so over winter. Boo!!!!

I Rue'd The Day Once...

...It wasn't a very productive day.

Who said that line?

A certain fish shall rue the day tonight. It's Oscar time, baby. And it's my year!!!

(Can you do that? Rue the day at night?)

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Summer Lovin'....

Miss Hector is having a cook out tonight. In the spirit of things, we are all wearing out summer attire.

I am going to freeze in my tank top.


We killed the vault blog today. Not that anyone was missing it.

Pardon Me Whilest I Geek Out....

Brad Paisley is going to be at Hodag!!!!!

And wtf is wrong with my movie post?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Movie Mumblings...

Lots of movies to update you on. Pretty Persuasion, The Baxter, The Princess Bride, Better Off Dead, and Cripple Masters.

PP: Shockingly entertaining. I have been all about strange indie films lately and this is one of them. Paul Rudd as a creepy prep school teacher, good stuff. I liked it a lot, but it’s not for everyone.

TB: A Baxter is in essence a nice guy who finishes last. But in the end he gets exactly what he needs. I was surprised to see Michelle Williams in this movie; she continues to amaze me with her candid performances. Again, weird indie flick, not for everyone.

PB: How did I grow up in the 80’s and never see this? It was ok.

BOD: How did you grow up in the 80’s and not see this movie? It’s awesome! I love John Cusak. TWO DOLLARS!!!

CM: Bad Kung fu. That’s all I have to say there.

I am hoping to squeeze in Pride and Prejudice and Walk The Line before Sunday in case I want to change my Oscar pics.

Top of the Netflix list looks like this, Akira (anime), Seamless, Cellular, Roll Bounce, and Vampire Hunter D (also anime). Should be interesting.

I Just Don't Know What To Do With That...

I think Kiki is hitting on me today.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Check Me Out...

So yea, I think I need groceries.

Apparently, There's Hope For Me Yet...

I was sitting on the couch having a plesant conversation with my mother. There was talk of the upcoming wedding. And then out of no where, she drops this little zinger.

"If Joe is getting married, I think there is hope for you yet."

I know she was making a joke, but...

Bak Talk Warning...

This won't make sense to most of you, so humor me....I promise to post complete fluff later.

I just made a huge sale today. Well, huge for a teller.

And I got a customer on a repayment agreement.

I am the apple of my money-grubbing bosses' eye today.

In Like A Lion...

Out like a lamb is all I can think.

Today I woke up to a beautiful white blanket of snow. It was breathtaking. In a deadly, annoying kind of way.

I stepped off my porch and the snow instantly went past my ankles. As I proceeded to clean off my car in a shitstorm of snow, all I could think is that maybe 6 months of the year, I am living in the wrong climate.

Winsconsin is beautiful, I am not denying that in anyway, but snow...I don't care for it. Not even a little. I don't snowmobile, I don't ski, I don't ice skate, I don't ice fish. I am not really into winter sports all that much. I don't like being cold. I adore Wisconsin from like May to mid-November. I even like the first snow of the year. When it gets to this point in the year, I am annoyed and frustrated and...just plain sick and tired of it all.

Its mornings like these that I think I could live elsewhere. Some place warm.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Happiest Heart In The World...

Joe asked Barb to marry him tonight.

I have never been happier for them.

Ponderings Of The Less Then Political...

I rarely get political, ever. But when I do open my mouth, it's because I have thought long and hard about what I have to say.

My office has been all aflutter with talk of the same-sex marriage ban to the State's constitution that is going to be on the ballot in November. I am going to start out by saying this. I am have no clear party loyalty. I don't care for the Republican line of thinking, but I wouldn't call myself a Democrat either.

As I sat here discussing this article that is on the front page of the Milwaukee Journal today, with my co-workers I learned a valuable lesson. Do not talk politics with upper management. It's a shame when you hear them speak of their own ignorance.
What the topic of such contested discussion is that this amendment to our State's constitution will read,

"Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of a marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state."

Are we really that ignorant?

I grew up thinking that the purpose of a constitution was to ensure fair treatment of all people on both the state and national levels. As a global community, don't we strive for equality? Don't we teach our children to celebrate diversity? Almost every state has passed anti-hate crimes laws since the Matthew Shepard incident.

How does wording like this supporting years of work? It's blatant discrimination.

Our country has incredibly high divorce rates. It's my opinion that if 2 people think that they can make a monogamous relationship work and last, what right do we have to say anything about that?

Marriage since the beginning of time, has been a man and a woman. But in the beginning of time, we burned flags, African-Americans sat at the back of the bus, women weren't allowed to vote. Times change, we as a world have changed. I understand that some people are concerned about damaging the sanctity of the institution of marriage. Look around. How many people do you know that have had/are having extra marital affairs? I guess I don't understand what's so sacred about it anymore.

To appease the church going crowd, I understand not wanting to call it a marriage. I don't agree with it, but I understand. I do not understand what we cannot recognize a civil union as a union of two people. If I want to spend the rest of my life with someone, I don't care what label you put on it, I want to be with that person.

I know the state has not been doing so well since in the control of our current government. I think this whole urgency with pushing this ban, comes at the hands of Republicans. Republicans who see this as a chance to kill two birds with one stone. It's just a way to get other Republicans to the polls. And hey, while you are there trashing the hopes and dreams of your fellow Americans, vote Republican and get rid of this asshole. It's all very, very sneaky. After nosing around on the Journal's website, I came across an article which quoted the Governor saying, "This isn't about outlawing gay marriage, because that's already prohibited in Wisconsin, this is about dividing people, and stirring passions among people - inflaming passions." He later is quoted saying, "If (Republicans) cared that much about it, they could have had it on the ballot in April, It was a carefully timed strategy."

This is the first time I have ever agreed with something that twat said.

My whole point boils down to this.

Why are we trying so hard to fight changing times? Why is it suddenly ok to be so unaccepting? Why is this type of discrimination ok, while race and gender discrimination is a taboo? Why is it not ok for little Johnny to pick on Madison for her two daddies, but Johnny's parents are able to say that Madison's two daddies can't be a couple?

Rut Row...

I am a little scared. The VP that I reported my manager to, is scheduled to be in the office today.

The shit may hit the fan today.