Friday, December 23, 2005

Tonight's The Night The World Begins Again...

I think I am just going to start posting song lyrics as titles every once in awhile as they apply to the post ahead. You mission is to figure out the song.

Last night had the makings to be something really relaxing for me. I was wrapping some presents, getting ready to make some cookies, listening to Jamie Cullum...All the elements to a great night.

Bradley showed up and asked me to contribute to his delinquency as a minor. Alright, no problem. While we were out making this run, I saw my friend Mimi walking down Main St. I turned around explaining to Bradley, that we had to pick her up to give her a ride. I couldn't find her, so we went on our merry way.

An hour later, Mimi was at my door. Crying and telling me that sob story that is her marriage.

Her husband Jay, is a complete twat. Drugs, unemployed, never home, controlling etc...You have heard this story a thousand times and probably even seen the Lifetime movie about it.

The truth of the matter is, she is a sweet girl. So sweet that she won't ever asking the man who is putting the lives of her children in danger, to leave. I was not in the mood to deal with all of this, because it breaks my heart to see the pain in her face. But I can't turn her away either. All I can do is hug her, give her the best advice I can and be her friend.

By 11, she was on her way home. A little drunker then she came, and I hope a little more at peace. It's emotionally draining to see her. The heartache in her eyes is deadly.

Not 10 minutes after she left, Bradley was on the way over. He needed more beer. So he and his drunk Ivy league friends all piled into my little car and we were off. I forgot how annoying a car load of drunk college kids really can be. After I restocked their beer supply and filled their little bellies with Taco Bell, I dumped them off at home.

I could hardly hold my eyes open to bake the cookies, but I got them done. I snuggled down on the couch with Xan to watch a quick episode of Roswell and it was off to bed.

Tonight Xan, Joe and I have been invited to dinner with the loverly Miss Hector. Not sure if we are going yet or not though, but it would be fun.


Joe said...

I've been messaging the loverly Miss Hector. We're still on for tonight.

Sucks about Mimi. I wonder how all this will play out in the end.

Girl Next Door said...

I hope he goes to jail....Her life will be so much better with him gone.