Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Happiest Girl In Nowhere....

That's right, I am the happiest girl in Nowhere!!!

Mr and MrsGiggles stopped over on their way through town. I was pretty excited when she called and said they were a few mintues away. I scurried about the house picking up a few things.

They presented me with what I was assuming was a Christmas present. I promptly scolded her for breaking our 'no Christmas gifts' rule. I was overjoyed when I unwrapped it to see a picture frame with a picture of a stork on it. The writing on the picture reads this...

"Reserved for Baby Giggles, Expected to arrive August 11, 2005."

I was confused at first by the date, which should be 2006, by all was quickly forgotten when it sunk in.

I am soo happy for them!! They have these concerns about conception/pregnancy, I am hopeful for them and hope to be there every step of the way (well, in spirit of course. I don't think MrGiggles is going to give up his spot in the delivery room).

It's amazing. A new little life preparing to enter the world. I couldn't be happier for them. These are people that I think the world of and hope that their every dream comes true.

Now what to buy them...


Alissa said...

...and I'm sitting at work bawling right now! And I can't seem to stop! :-) We love you Juicy!!

KiKi-You were so adorable! However, Josh didn't like your name suggestion! ;-) Teeheehee...

Girl Next Door said...

I love you so much and am so excited to be a party of this. I am so ready to be Aunt Juicy!

Mark said...

Had them boobs tucked into your pants again?

Alissa said...

Juicy - And I'm ready to be mom! (YIKES!)

KiKi - I'm sorry!

Mark - LMAO!!!!!!