Thursday, December 22, 2005

Bright Smiles, Warm Hearts...

Allow me to go all sappy for a minute.

The holidays have got me down. I have the funk (don't worry, I am not contagious). I haven't had a case of funk this bad in years.

This morning, a 5 year old little boy expelled the funk from my heart.

I was heading to work this morning. There are 52 bus stops between my office and apartment. (give or take 49). I am not ashamed to say that I exercise far more caution at one then the others. I have a vested interest in this one. It's my nephew's stop. I always slow way down there, am more aware there then any other place in town.

This morning was no exception. I was behind a car waiting to turn left. Anywhere else, I would have skated around the right side of the car and continued on my merry way. As I sat there waiting for the car, I looked over and saw my brother and his family there. My nephew was just waving away at me.

The smile on his face and the kiss he blew me....are exactly what my little downtrodden heart needed. Sometimes the smallest unexpected joys in life are all that you need.


Alissa said...


Girl Next Door said...

He jsut made my day!

Joe said...

But me waving did nothing for you? Bitch.

Girl Next Door said...

If you had been wearing moonboots, you totally would have beat the kid out.

Alissa said...
