Friday, October 14, 2005

**UPDATED**An Almost Birthday...

Last night, my friend's threw me our traditional 'almost' birthday party. I had a really nice time. And as is the norm lately, the evening was not without it's drama. My friends threw a nice party, and I don't think I took the time to let them know just how much I appreciate all they do for me. I am going to have to take care of that tonight.

Squidward took me for a really nice dinner at the local chinese place. Num Num.

MM and Prof Snape got me a really cute purse and a ZOMBIE MOVIE!!!!

Annie got me the milk frother that I wanted.

And they made my velvet cake. OMG IT WAS SO DELISH!!!!!!

Pictures of my super cool gifts to follow. I am so spoiled. I think tonight is scrapbook lessons with MM, and tomorrow, I think Squidward will be joining Digi, The Girlfriend and I out into the world of bars. Should be interesting.

**Update. 1.55 p.m. I forgot to mention that because they know I am a little freaked about turning 25. They bought numbered candles for 21. So, Happy 21st to Me!!!


duff said...

25 was a hard birthday for me, too.

hard to believe my little sister's turning 25 next month.....

crap, i'm almost old

Girl Next Door said...

To celebrate turning 25, I think I will spend the day in bed with the curtains drawn tight.