Sunday, October 30, 2005

Another Friday Night...

I's Sunday morning really. But let's recap back from the begining.

My house just seems to be a gathering place on Friday nights. And that's cool. Most of the time I am here alone, so it can be a welcome change. It started as just Meow Mixxx and I chilling out on Fridays. Then people started to show up. So now on Fridays, the tunes are bumping, the beer is cold, and the house is full.

This Friday was no different. In starring roles this week were Squidward, Mack, Meow, Digi, Annie, Myself, and introducing Betty and Don.

It was Mack birthday friday night, so his BF Don came over with him. Don was a wee bit drunk. And annoying. But who hasn't been the annoying drunk in the room once in their life. Don's visit was short lived. His keys were confiscated and I walked him to a girls house (bow chica wow wow). He stayed long enough to kill the night.

Mostly everyone ended up reading magazines and making silly small talk about zombie movies (go figure).

The night wrapped itself up unexpectedly and rapidly.

I don't really know how to entertain in a situation like that. I don't have a gaming system of any kind for people to huddle over, no cable. Just a few DVD's my computer and beer. Generally only works for a short time.

Maybe I just need more practice. So who is coming next week?


Mark said...

Zombie movies. Heh!

Bummer about the gerbil though. Richard Gere doesn't attend your parties does he?

Girl Next Door said...

Mark...I don't know what I am going to do with you...

Ren said...

Richard Gere should.

Ren said...

Kiki... Kiki... Kiki... When will you show up at MY door?

Hey, Juicy, I heard there were some pictures of a certain halloween party...

Girl Next Door said...

Whaat pictures are you referring to sir?