Monday, October 24, 2005

Movie Mumblings...

Friday night Meow Mixxx and I ventured to see In Her Shoes. I didn't have a whole lot of faith in the movie, because I don't think Cameron Diaz is all that great. But I am a fan of Jennifer Weiner (the author of the book), so I was excited. It turned out to be pretty damn good, for a chick flick that is. MM and I giggled our little heads off at stuff not related to the movie, but that we felt was funny at the time. And after a resonable attractive guy appeared in the movie we felt that we needed to watch Fight Club, right then. I mean RIGHT NOW! Fight Club is like soft core porn for women. Brad Pitt and Ed Norton have never looked so damn good, EVER! I watched some of it, slept thru most ot it. Passed out is more appropriate.

Sunday was movie day for Squidward and I. Movies, pizza, and a bottle of Hypnotic. Life is good. We watched Dead Meat, The Amityville Horror (2005 remake), and Trainspotting.

DM - Ok, an Irish zombie movie about rabid cows infected with a mutated strain of Mad Cow. You draw your own conclusions.

TAH - OMG!! I never saw the orginal, but this rocked! And Ryan Reynolds...may the gods help me. He has grown up since his TV sitcom days.

TS - Coolest movie ever. Might be my new favorite. SEE THIS NOW!

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