Wednesday, October 19, 2005

None For You...

No pick-up line this week.

I just found out that my dog is being put to sleep on Thursday and I am not much in the mood. Probably won't hear a whole lot out of me as far as Thursday goes.


Alissa said...

Thanks for calling me this morning. I know you'll get through it, you always do. Just remember all the good times you had with her and that she had a good (and LONG!) life. She is in a better place and won't be suffering anymore.

Remember the time you mom was pissed that you were going to a party at my house so she made you take "your dog" with you?! And then we didn't have any food for her so she had scrambled eggs too! :-)

Gordy said...

Sorry to hear that news. Dogs become such a part of our lives, that we almost see them as children, and I can only imagine how hard it must be to lose a child.

I did lose a dog in my childhood, and it is one of the hardest things I ever had to endure.

Hang in there, sending you a big hug.