Friday, September 30, 2005

There's A Chill In The Air...

Thanks to Patrick, posting his ode to the Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte, I am compelled to tell you of my passion.

Hot Carmel Apple Cider from the wonderfully over-priced coffee chain that brings us so much joy.

As the nights get cooler, the leaves begin to turn a wonderful array of reds, yellows and orange, the child can be seen bundling up a little much each week at the bus stop and pumpkins begin to appear on the steps of every house.

Fall is my favorite time. The crisp air is a refreshing feeling as you can see and feel the world getting ready for winter.

My new favorite thing in this cooler weather is the Carmel Apple Cider. To feel it warming the cool skin of my hands and feel it's warmth as I consume it. It smells of a heavenly promise of what the season can bring and as I sit here, I long for it.

But alas, my love grows in vain. The nearest Starbucks is 60 miles away. Le sigh. What ever is a girl to do?

I think head to the local over-priced coffee shop for a Chai Latte.


Girl Next Door said...

I knew there was something I didn't like about you....

How can you not like Chai?

Kelly said...

Chai Tea Latte's are my favourite ever. I am sooo addicted. Mmm. Almost but not quite as good as alcohol.

No cider for me though - I'm allergic to apples!

Alissa said...

What about the pumpkin malts from Culvers?! YUMMY!!

(seems like I posted this already, but apparently I didn't?!)

Girl Next Door said...

OH GOOD GOD...Must Have!!!