Monday, September 26, 2005

What I Say...

So Keith Urban...he's hot!

The show opened with Miranda Lambert. She was pretty ok. Solidly forgettable. I will look forward to seeing her when she got some more experience under her belt. She sang her 3 hits and a few extras. She did ok.

Keith. C-R-A-Z-Y H-O-T!!!! I really wanted to say B-A-N-A-N-A-S, but I didn't want to steal that joy from MrsGiggles. Now, if she doesn't use it....

I could listen to that guy guitar forever. It's like for 30 seconds he forgets anyone is there, it's just him, playing what feels right.

The dude is crazy. He pointed out signs of note. One said, "Will you strum on our G string?" How clever is that??? I am sooo going to have to remember that one.

One said..."16 year old twins, never been kissed." He changed that. Called them up to the front and kissed them. I was so jealous that all I could point out was how illegal that was.

He pulled one very excited fan on stage. I can't even begin to describe my jealousy. They laid on the stage next to each other and sang. It was really cute, althou Keith was having a hard time singing because he was laughing so much. It was really sweet.

He swung out over the crowd to a secnd smaller stage much closer to our seats. He sang 4 or 5 songs from there. The interaction this guy has with the crowd was crazy.

When he came back for an encore he sang a song completely in the dark, just him and a piano. It was so cool. Which brings me to my next point.

Doesn't anybody smoke anymore? Here he was singing in the dark and suddenly the arena was glowing with cellphone screens. I was lost in a sea of cellphone screens.

I have seen Keith 3 times now. And I can't say enough about the guy. This is the 1st time I have seen him headline a show, and it was awesome. He is as much an entertainer as he is a musician. You can tell he honestly loves making music and entertaining a crowd.

Can't wait to see him again. Pictures to follow tonight...maybe....

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