Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The 494 Is Backed Up For Miles...

Things I have been getting alot of traffic from lately:

Seal's face. Everyday. Do that many people care about Seal's face?
Nicole Ritchie's Weight Loss. I am so over that.
Mike Meyers/Kayne West/Katrina. That was a snafu I am benefitting from.
Jude Law. Still getting hits from his teeny winky. I'd still do him.
Naked Neighbors. This surprises me. I haven't posted about them in some time. I miss them. *yearns for home, without yearning for living at home*

So to increase traffic for a day or two...here goes...

Katrina, Kanye West, Lost Pets, frozen pizza, donation spots, naked, prom dates, Jude Law, Jennifer Aniston, Pregnant Britney, Angelina Jolie, Bennifer, Brokeback Mountain (I really hope to get hits from that), Scotty Doesn't Know (hehe Kiki), Sir Kanga Von Pimpincat, ramen noodle meals, Seal's fucked up face, Bob Denver, Hilary Clinton (hoping I don't get hits from there), Wonkette, Nicole Ritchie, Lindsay Lohan, Ashlee Simpson hoedown, Jessica and Nick, Johnny Knoxville, tuna, Alias, horny bartenders (hehehehe again), Miller Lite, gummi bears, predators, jelly fish stings, disaster relief, wedding dresses, kerr-snap (hehe), as good as it gets, bad jobs, average, weight loss, peanut butter, public sex (hehehe) and FEMA.

LOL, some jokes in there for a few of you...or personal digs....which ever way it works out.


JR said...

I was checking google for public sex, and was sent here. What gives?

Girl Next Door said...


Alissa said...

LMAO.......wasn't me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe said...

I appreciate the shout-out, but really... who's going to Google "Sir Kanga Von Pimpincat?"

Girl Next Door said...

Years from now, people might want to Google the origins of the ledgend of Sir Kanga Von Pimpincat