Saturday, September 17, 2005

A Shopper's Dream...

Those of you who know me, and those who have been reading along for awhile know that I can shop like nobody's business. And if you don't know...I am a firm believer in shoppng therapy.

Ever since the announcement of the local K-Mart closing the town has been aflutter with gossip. The word going around now (which has been for sometime) is that Target has been to the Kmart building scoping it out. I can only hope.

Quite sometime ago our County Market store closed. Which is sad, it was the best grocery store in town. But like all things, they couldn't handle the competition that Wal-Mart gave. Strangely, the parking lot for this empty building has started seeing upgrades. Well, rumor has it that Best Buy has purchased the building.

There's an old fitness center out by Wal-Mart that's is rumored to be biting the dust and Kohl's will be occupying that space. So maybe Mark can come visit.

I wait on baited breath to see.

The details of last night's spending to follow later today with pictures....


Mark said...

Yeah.. I have that effect on the ladies.

Alissa said...

I told the sis-in-law that Sunday night and she was all excited!