Thursday, November 17, 2005

What About Wednesday...

So, my internet was gone almost all day. BASTARD CHARTER!

So Wednesday. Not really fun. But has it been so far? I spent a large portion of the day snowed in. Cellphone service was out almost all day (I was so antsy during this period).

I ventured out of the house to go to Wal-mart and do a little shopping. A little shopping turned into a lot of shopping (it's Wal-mart, I think it's in the air). I did emerge with Season 10 of Friends (which I have already watched most of) and a new pair of pink boots (they are kind of moon bootish) along with other assorted gunk.

My evening consisted of trying to force feed Meow Mixxx (hadn't eaten in 3 days), and I was not successful.

Squidward and I armed oursleves with paint brushes and attacked my pantry. My pantry was not finished, so we took care of that. A fresh coat of paint later, it looks like I live here. The walls are green and the cupboards are purple.

My phone lately can't seem to stop ringing and last night this was the case. That and my door was pretty busy. I am ok with this actually. Love that people feel they can come here. At any rate, my night ended some where around 6 a.m.

Max. Bed Count...3....but one at a time.

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