Monday, November 14, 2005

**Edited** Sunday Slackings...

Not really thou.

Vacation day 2 gone like, well, yesterday.

Had my weekly breakfast with the lovely Miss Kitty. Spent the day cleaning up and watching Roswell. Had dinner with Squidward. Cleaned some more. Downloaded a poo load of songs. Made a ton of CD's. Loaded Kiki up with new tunes. Made MrsGiggles a new one, but am making her wait to get it.

After picking Squidward up, we came to the conclusion we were hungry, very hungry. So off to the grocery store. We ended up with a whole chicken of all things. A stuffing stuffed whole chicken.

**At this point I must mention the cashier with the totally bitchin' bangs. This were "1987, crammed in the backseat of a Pacer to go see her first Whitesnake concert" bangs. Several cans of White Rain (remember White Rain, prom hair that wouldn't move for weeks, holes in the ozone...) went into creating this look. I bet she has stone-washed white jeans in her closet. I would wager she still wears them.**

Anyway, the chicken. Did you know this things take 2 hours!!!!! Not the best thing when you are starving!

So one bottle of Red Raspberry wine and several smirnoff's later, the chicken was done. Looked so good, we didn't bother cutting it. So picture Squidward, Mack, Annie, and I sitting around the coffee table picking a chicken carcass clean.

Maximum Bed Count...3 total. But not at the same time. I had different bed buddies in the morning then I did in the evening.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

LMAO...gotta love those bangs! There are way too many people "Up North" that have that sad. :-)