Saturday, April 30, 2005

I Would Never Make To The Edge Of Town...

Before someone spotted me. How these people can just walk away and not have anyone see them, baffles me. I can't go to Wal-Mart with out someone knowing where I am.

And ok, HOW SELFISH!!! I can tell you, she wasn't paying for that wedding, or her ass would have been there. 600 invitations!!! A bridal party of damn near 30! Ok, as I bridesmaid, I would be pissed, if the bride took off. What the hell do you do with a peach colored formal?

This got me thinking about Audrey. The UW student who faked her own abduction. First of all, I am not clever enough to pull that off and second, need a break bad if you have to pretend to be kidknapped.


CheekyMoo said...

I say grow a spine and just say hey..wait a minute I might not be able to do this. Or smack a smile on your face, walk down the aisle, and figure divorce is possible if it doesn't work out. Everyone else does it! Think he'll still marry her? He's crazy if he does.

Girl Next Door said...

Oh, of course he will. Nice guys always marry the ones who break their hearts.