Monday, April 11, 2005

Pop Culture Ponderings...

Today I got thinking Britney and Kevin. Did you hear they are getting their own reality show? UPN picked them up. I find this entertaining. You know you are end the end of your ghetto rope when MTV won't touch your reality series.

Speaking of the Brit, by now you know that the paper (Did you ever see, So I Married An Axe Murderer? Well my paper is Us Weekly. A very reliable source) and several other have reported that the Britster is offically pregnant. Now while, I do see Mrs. Feredline plumping up a little bit, I actually believe her when she claims that she is not pregnant. She just got married. All brides fill in a little bit whilest wallowing in post martial bliss.

And while I am thinking about it, my mind wonders to Angelina and Brad, Reese and Ryan and Demi and Ashton. Alright, first things first.

What is Brad thinking????? I don't care if she's the fucking Goodwill Ambassador to Pluto. That girl is straight up nasty. I am all dirty just thinking about her...and not in a good way.

In my mind, Reese and Ryan have occupied the spot once spitspefically (yes, that's a new word I just made up) reserved for Brad and Jen. Ryan has been seen minus Reese all over the world in questionable situations. What is wrong with him too? And let me say this, I think Reese Witherspoon is adorable. If I had to pick one celebrity chick, to know, it would be her. She's beautiful.

Demi and Ashton's love baby, that's misgusting. (my nephew taught me that word awhile ago, I like it). Maybe it's the greatest punk of all on Ashton. Getting him all prepped for fatherhood (I shudder at the thought), only for a camera crew to come rushing into the birthing suite. LOL!


Joe said...

Channel your inner dyke?

Girl Next Door said...

ok so now it's been edited...that sounds less then flattering. FTR...Not a dyke