Saturday, April 09, 2005

But I Bet You Didn't Know This...

Everyone knows a little bit of Paris Hilton's tabloid fodder. Her Sidekick got hacked, not once but twice. Tinkerbell went missing (I still think he was actually escaping). She stole her own adult video. She is just a wealth of entertainment. Well, here's the latest.

She is trying to trademark the phrase That's Hot. So how exactly does that work? Everytime you say That's Hot, you send her a check for a nickel? Do you have to say the two words together? Can you get a discount for saying it in bulk? Or do you just pay a one time charge? Or it like advertising? Spend $10 and get the whole year? Do you have to say it in context? What if i burn myself? I mockingly say it alot. I just want to know how to get the best deal.

Can you trademark indivdual words? I think I might try for cootch if that's the case.


Alissa said...

rotflmao...I love your witty banter!

Girl Next Door said...

I just adore me as well right now.