Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Who Is That Girl...

MrsGiggles called tonight 1/2 through Taking Lives to wish me good luck on the upcoming interview. She was surprised to hear that I had no idea what I was wearing. Normally, I have every little detail of things like this planned out. It's most unusual for me to feel unprepared.

I don't think it's that I don't care...I would like to think I am trying not to hype it up in my head. Because so often with me, interviews are just exactly that. Interviews. Nothing ever pans out. Most times I just get the "Thank you for your application..." letter.

Well, the clothing situation is sorted out. I am wearing my black suit.


Alissa said...
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Alissa said...

Surprised doesn't even begin to explain it! I was worried you were downplaying this TOO much! You have an AWESOME shot at this!!! You're on your way to your interview right now but I'm going to say GOOD LUCK again!