Monday, April 04, 2005

I Feel Like THAT Guy...

Ever see Shaun of the Dead? Well, the movie starts out with Shawn, barely existing. Simply going through the motions of everyday life. Stopping at the shop over the road, the bus ride to work, all while not notice that his sleepy little town is being over run by zombies. It's quite funny. But I feel like that guy. Completing my morning routine, not really caring about anything else, because I am so damn tired.

Got up this morning and something is messed up with our water. There's a note on the table telling me to not shut the water off under any circumstance, the toilet water is black, when I flushed it...I thought it was coming after me. When I turned the shower on...It too tried to attack me. I was too tired to figure this out in my sleepy, weakened state (remember Ferris Bueller?), so I figured since that it's mostly my mother's fault that I am so damn tired. I would wake her up and have her tell me wtf is going on.

In addition, I did the daily, should I call in questionnaire. Today, I think I might have out of exhaustion.

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