Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I Am Being Watched...

Yesterday, when I went to put the dogs out the strangest thing happened. The Naked Neighbor opened the side door facing my house, waited until I put the dog out and went back inside when I did. It's like they were waiting for me. Watching me. Now I won't deny that I have a routine. I am very predictable. But there's a history with Naked Neighbor(s).

One morning not to long ago, I was putting the pooches out and I happened to look up to see Mr. Naked Neighbor standing the naked drinking his morning coffee. Stunned, I stood there for a second and he waved. Sheepishly I waved back, not knowing what the naked protocol is exactly. Well, this happened 3 more times that week and on and off since then. I have also seen Mrs. Naked Neighbor topless wandering through her dinning room. I dislike the fact that most of their windows face our house. I have considered setting up a webcam and having the naked neighbor contest (see how can spot the neighbor first).

So now, I think I have Naked Stalkers.


Alissa said...

Omg...too weird! I keep an eye on my neighbors, but I wouldn't be watching THAT one! :-) How come this is the first I've heard of this?!

Girl Next Door said...

This was back in late fall...I am sure I told you

Alissa said...

Oh no you din't! *Insert finger woble*