Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Best Laid Plans...

Are often ruined by your mother coming home sick from work.

I was so very relaxed until I heard my phone ring. And thanks to specialized ringtones, I knew who was calling long before I looked at the caller ID. She had some things she needed my help with. So ok, no problem. I ran with her and took her cell phone payment, picked up her lunch, went to the grocery store, came home, put away the groceries, took her her lunch, got her a soda, took care of the lunch she packed that wasn't any good now that she was home...etc. And soon it will be time for me to make dinner using the newly purchased groceries. I know it doesn't seem like much, but you do one thing, sit down, and then she asks you to do another. So it's really 50 little things streched out that all together might only take 10 minutes.

Such is the life lived at home. Thankfully, Prof. Snape may come rescue me before I have to make dinner.

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