Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Gather Around Kiddies...

It's Story Time!

So back in October, Xan and I were just kinda relaxing at his apartment and it was mentioned that his roommate at the time, might be a good match up with the fair and lovely Kiki. The roommate in question, happened to be Bartender Josh. Upon further discussion, we did conclude that they would make a good match and passed on the information. Kiki managed to casually observe him one day during her workout at the local health club, and judged him instantly based on his sock attire. (what is that about?)

Flash forward several months and Kiki and our intrepid hero, cross paths again. Kiki is sitting in a local tavern and suddenly decides that Josh is in fact, quite attractive. She sends me a text letting me know that I may have been on to something way back when. When I passed the information on to Josh and he approached Kiki. Light flirting ensued.

Flash forward months later (again). Josh and I have started to get a little closer, hanging out more and more everyday. Kiki during this time relucantly acquires a boyfriend. Nice enough guy, but not someone she really sees herself with in the long run. But following the advice of a friend, gives the guy a chance. Meanwhile, she also begins attending Thursday night softball games that I have been attending in support of Josh's 2 teams. The new boyfriend generally stays home to allow her to enjoy a night out with her friends. Following the games, it's customary for us all to retire to the sponsoring bar for drinks and food. Well, the more drinks consumed, the more bold Josh becomes. As a few weeks go on, as the limits of appropriate are being pushed and flowers are being sent, it's clear to Kiki that she must make a decision.

So post game one night, Kiki stands outside the bar that Josh is sitting in and makes the call. With me standing next to her, and her boyfriend on speakerphone, she ended their short relationship. Upon hearing the news, Josh, who had a crap day, bought the bar a round.

Advice came flooding at Josh at an incredible rate. It all summed up to this, "Take it slow, if you don't want to fuck this up." So despite his very nature, he took a step back. Casual flirting continues but nothing much happens. The boyfriend hasn't completely faded into the background. He continues to call Kiki to try and make plans with her. She continues to push him aside.

People begin to wonder if the boyfriend knows that Josh may have started a little something with Kiki. No one understand how he can't because it seems everyone knows.

Now, we are almost current.

The 4th of July, Josh spends up in Three Lakes with Kiki and I to see the fireworks. Josh consumes a fair share of drinks and is getting a little nervous. He knows he wants something to happen, but isn't sure how to make it happen. Well, they ended up on a blanket together watching the fireworks. It was innocent and cute. We headed back to town and grabbed some Taco Bell with the intention of finishing the cooler of alcohol we took to the park. Well, we all kinda passed out in front of the TV. It didn't take much prompting to get Kiki to crawl into the bedroom and go back to sleep. Josh on the other hand took some work. She had fallen asleep curled up in his lap and still didn't think it was ok to cuddle in bed with her. After much discussion (light arguing) between he and I, he finally climbed into bed next to her.

Thursday then, it became clear that I had forgotten to pass on the information that Kiki was going on vacation Saturday morning. So instead of going to the house party that we were all to attend, we headed to a resort bar. By the time, Kiki and I arrived, Josh had appeared to be in some distress. Apparently, Kiki had mentioned to Josh's wingman that she thought he was displaying pussy-like behavior but not making a move. Being the good wingman he is, he pulled Josh aside and passed this on.

Right on schedule, Josh had a freakout. She spent a good 30 minutes or so outside the bar, pacing and cursing the back of Kiki's head. When he came back inside, he wanted to talk to me, but since I was seated at the bar next to Kiki, he kept his distance. Unaware that this had already been discussed, Kiki mentioned to me that she was not happy with how slow things were moving.

At this point, despite that I love Kiki to no end, I felt bad for Josh. I bitched her out a bit. How was he supposed to know? After I chewed her out a bit, I told Josh that maybe after she returned from vacation, he might think about making something happen.

Oh no, not Josh. Josh is a man of action. That was the night.

As Kiki was head back from the bathroom, Josh executed what could have been a very smooth move. As she walked passed him, he grabbed her and whisked her away by the door. It would have been beautiful except for that chair that he backed right over. In a bar full of his friends, he tripped over a chair trying to impress a girl. Nothing pleased us more.

The night went on and additional plans were made for following bar close. Tentative plans were made for Josh to steal a few minutes of her time Friday night prior to her leaving for IL on vacation. She was unreachable. She didn't answer her phone and had no reply when any of her friends tried to reach her.

I felt bad when everyone asked me where she was, I was withholding information. I knew that she had plans with her former boyfriend. See, they had plans to camp together at Hodag prior to the break-up. Feeling bad about leaving him with no plans, Kiki agreed to share her campsite with him. So they had to get together to co-ordinate on somethings. I felt bad withholding information from Josh, because he's my friend, but I was growing tired of being in the middle. So, I shut my piehole.

Saturday night was a friend's birthday. Josh and I went out to help him celebrate his 21st. We were drug to the local karaoke bar, that we both happen to dislike. We were planning on staying there until Miss Mel sang her song and we were outta there. Well, once Kiki's ex walked in, Josh couldn't take it. He was out like a fat kid at dodgeball. Told me where to meet him and he was gone.

Her ex stayed surprisingly close to me. It kinda made me wonder what was going on. I left shortly after Josh and met up with him at our favorite meat market. We were there getting our drink and dance on, and low and behold. There's the ex. Standing close enough to hear everything we were saying. It made us uncomfortable at first, but it's a busy bar, and we were standing right by the bar...so it could have been a coincidence.

Well, it wasn't. After being asked to leave at bar close, we were making our way into the street for our post bar snack and chit chat, when the ex asked me to fetch Josh for him. It appeared that there was going to be a throw down. I sent Josh's wing man in the general direction and someone else followed just to keep an eye on things. Turns out, of all the people they knew in that bar, they asked Josh for a ride home.

Well, I was pissed. This shithead was screwing with my post-bar seafood salad (more to follow on that). Well, I joined the stream of people heading to Josh's apartment, because I clearly wasn't getting salad. The drunken wingman and I kind of rambled on down the street taking our time. Well, no sooner then we got to Josh's and I had cracked a beer and Josh called. He and seafood salad were waiting for me. So, I got my shoes back on, grabbed my drink and headed on down the street.

Along the way, the too drunk to drive ex-boyfriend pulled up along side me and asked if I needed a ride. Confusingly, I declined. By the time I got to the NWL (more to follow on that too), I was really confused. But my seafood salad and drink were waiting at our normal table. Josh was a little confused as well, but what just happened to me. But we tried not to think much of it.

Miss Mel called Sunday morning, and had heard something that was strictly hearsay that she felt she needed to repeat to me about the ex boyfriend, not being an ex. This pissed me off beyond any words. And it had no right to. It's none of my business and it's not happening to me. I was pissed the same. I can't figure out if I was more upset that one of the people closest to me was keeping something from me or if I was upset over the idea of Josh getting fucked with. But at any rate, I was pissed and I was blaming it on Kiki.

I hadn't meant to discuss it but Josh could tell the minute he saw me, he knew that something was bugging me. After several hours of bugging me, he got me to talk about it. I felt bad instantly, but he kept saying that no matter what he was a friend first. I knew it was eating him up inside. He just kept reminding me that it was gossip. I got all pissed off over gossip.

Anyway, I think you are up to speed. I probably shouldn't have posted so much or made it so long. I don't know if the Keeks will be pissed off at me or not...but that's what's going on. She's confused as all hell. Both boys are nice, which is a pleasant change for her. I have not gotten the chance to know the (ex)boyfriend all the much, but I don't have anything against him. I like him, seems sweet enough. But I also get the clingy vibe from him. I can so I know Kiki enough to know that clingy = bad. I am trying not to be biased in the whole situation, but Josh is my friend. I do love Josh. I have to wonder though, if she ends up going another route, will I ever be able to hang out with two of my good friends at the same time again?

And that's what it boils down to, what's comfortable for me. Now how's that for selfish?


Anonymous said...

I didn't read this post. Does it contain anything I don't already know? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just asking.

Girl Next Door said...

I may have disclosed this information to you.

Anonymous said...

k. I won't worry about it then.

HST said...

That story was so complete I feel like I DID COME on vacation! WEEEEEEEEe!:)

Ren said...

Whoa! High drama in Old Wisconsin.

Chris said...

Wow. Complicated. How does it end?