Thursday, July 13, 2006

Who Died And Made You Fucking King Of The Zombies?...

You've seen "Shaun of the Dead", right? For your own safety this answer had better be yes. And if it's no, rent it right now, watch it. And THEN read the post. That movie is way more important, then anything I could write here in this page.

ANYWAY, so you may have read me mention the NWL (Yesterday, I think is actually the first time I mentioned it, but if you managed to read that giant was there). The NWL is my Winchester. I have been spending a large amount of time there. I would bet that in case of a zombie outbreak, that's where I'd go.

I am sure it has alot to do with Bartender Josh. His dad owns the place, so by default, Josh is the primary bartender. You may also from time to time hear me talk about Wingman (also yesterday), he is the second night bartender. Between the 2 of them, they actually attract a very young crowd. Which is very surprising. It's always kind of viewed by the community as an 'old man' bar. It's funny because I promise you, if I spend more then an hour there on any given night, every person I know between the ages of 20-30 will wander through that door. Some people come to see their friends. Others come for the adorable bartenders. I personally don't mind either.

Some find their way there for the drinks. It is a bar, after all. And the true nature of the beast, brings you there for the beer. I almost always order the same thing when I am there. I get myself a coconut flavored Diet Coke. There's a story behind that as well. Kiki and I went there for dinner one night (and that's the final reason people go there, but I am getting there) and Josh asked me what I wanted to drink. I said diet soda. He asked what flavor. What he should have asked was Pepsi or Coke. I replied with coconut-y. So now, I cannot order a Malibu Diet. The proper way to order it is a coconut-y flavored Diet Coke. Well, one of those delish numbers will cost you $1.90, any day of the week. The same will go for Kiki's Tanguray and tonics. Can't beat that if you are looking to get your drink on.

Final and most important reason to go there, is that there is a sign on the wall behind the bar boasting that they serve the finest sandwich in town. It's true, the food there is nothing short of amazing!!! Well, in the summer time they feature this wonderful seafood salad. People wait patiently every year for that sign to come out. It's the best thing on earth. Well, those of you reading along at home, may have noticed that many of my weekend evenings don't end until the sun comes up. It's the damn seafood salad. Josh will lead us back into the bar, we will sit way in the back in the dark and eat our salad, talking about the night's events. Sometimes it gets delayed by drunken people needing rides home, but it ends the same. There is something that happens after the clock strikes 2 a.m., that makes this tasty dish simply irresistible. It becomes like crack. It taste far better in the dark, in the wee small hours of the morning. It's just assumed that if I am out at bar close, I am expecting seafood salad. Josh knows this and I think sometimes looks forward to it. It's our thing. As a test once, I took a side order home with me. It has no magical powers in the light of day. It's all about that 3 a.m. thing.

So, my Winchester is the NWL. My co-workers often make comments about it being my new home. I reply with, "I will be at the 3rd stool from the left. Have my mail forwarded."


Phollower said...

Food in general tastes better at 3 in the morning when you know you shouldn't be eating it but you're buzzed enough to not care. More burritos have been purchased due to this phenomenon than I care to mention.

Anonymous said...

Disaster plan: Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Pat. Grab Joefish and family. Go to the NWL. Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.

Dirty Bunny said...

Maybe if I drink enough ale, I'd actually be able to stomach that movie. I think it's the fat lazy roomate that annoys me so damn bad.

HST said...

ok I can't take it anymore........what does NWL stand for anyway?!

"he's not my dad!"

Dirty Bunny said...

NWL=Norhtwestern Lounge

Ren said...

NWL? Negroes With Lagger?