Monday, July 17, 2006

Crisis Line Active...

It's a full on girl crisis night.

Mel showed up, crying. Her boyfriend dumped her.

A few calls later Rebecca, Mel, Josh and I were huddled around a table with drinks in our hands and a "Sorry" board in front of us.

Josh is an honorary girl, in case you were wondering. He even joins us when we "have to pee". Which incidently, when girls say that they have to pee...they seldom mean pee. It's conference time. Josh joins us frequently.

Mel is going to be staying here for a few days. Which is strange, because she lives at home, and not with the boyfriend. She just doesn't want to have to tell her mom that she messed things up with a med student. I scolded her for this.

Ah, girl world. We are now going to watch Mean Girls.


Ren said...

A med student? She's fretting over a med student? That's the be-all end-all of her universe? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Juicy, slap her for me.

Mark said...

She was bangin someone at hodag wasn't she?

Girl Next Door said...

LB - I did don't worry.

Mark - Actually, and somewhat surprisingly, no.