Saturday, July 08, 2006

Bits And Bytes...

This week is my 5 year anniversary with the bank. I thought it best to celebrate by being 2 HOURS late for work this morning. I have never been late in my entire career with the bank.

The irony is, I don't sleep that long on my days off. I personally like to call it, "pulling a Kiki." When I got to work, I died a little inside when I saw that not only was my supervisor, and branch manager here, but our newly appointed CEO were all here waiting.

I bit the bullet and asked to speak with all 3 of them at once. This is were the story turns my way. Instead of getting written up, I was told how concerned they were for me. I was also told that they understand that from time to time, things like that will happen. And they are just happy that I am ok.

OK, so I missed a beheading so far, but I wouldn't be surprised if it comes on Monday.

Alissa is still in the hospital. The doctors cannot seem to get her blood pressure down. When I called to check on her yesterday she said that the doctors are not letting her leave the hospital without giving birth. They are going to begin inducing her on Monday morning. If everything goes well, she will be a mommy by Wednesday.

Miss Mel wants me to go out tonight with her and her cousin. Her just released from prison cousin. Uh, I don't know about that.

Bartender Josh and I were going to go Mini-golfing today, but the rain on the windows does cast a shadow of doubt over that. We are in dire need of the rain, but I'd rather mini-golf. Maybe, we can go bowling instead. However, if it remains a light drizzle, we will probably go anyway. What's a little water. We could always go see Pirates. Mmmm. Johnny Depp.

There's also talk of us going to Wausau tomorrow. Me to see Alissa and him to see his former sister-in-law.

Kiki is on vacation and I miss her already. But I imagine I can fill the void with, cleaning her apartment, picking up her mail, doing her dishes...etc.

I should really get back to work.


Dirty Bunny said...

When you say, "I should really get back to work," do you mean you went home for lunch?

I hope all goes well for Alissa. Babies are swell.

Mark said...

Is Prison Cousin a woman? Cuz prison chicks rock.

Girl Next Door said...

No, but he did end up bearing a slight resemblance to Fabio.

Anonymous said...

Did you want to make him say "I can't believe it's not butter... spray!"