Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Holiday Weekend In Pictures...

Kiki and I organized a float for the local parade. Here's are our little ducks.

Despite all the drama, it worked out nicely.

After the parade, Kiki, Bartender Josh and I headed up to Three Lakes to see their fireworks and hear the band 4th Floor. We had the chance to hang out a little with Alissa and Josh too. I just wish we had more time to chat. I know if he wasn't so nervous, they would have really loved him.

While we were there, the 'kids' found the play ground very interesting.

After the fireworks, we came home for some late night Taco Bell and all basically passed out watching TV.

When I woke up this morning, I can't explain how nice it felt knowing that there were other people in the house. Living alone hasn't really been so great so far. It was nice to not feel so alone for a little bit.


Mark said...

Why get 3 beds? Just cram into one, its more fun like that.

Girl Next Door said...

If my bed wasn't so damn comfortable, I would say lets get more beds...but we will all just have so snuggle.

Anonymous said...

You still haven't brought me my tacos. Bitch.