Sunday, March 19, 2006

Shake It Don't Break It, Took Yo Momma 9 Months To Make It...

*insert spastic happy dance*

Xan started work today.

But sadly he is not the new face of Hot Topic. Apparently, he is too normal for the Emo kids to vote for.


Alissa said...


Girl Next Door said...

Hmmm. Emo. Emo. How to explain emo.

Punk rock posers who shop at Hot Topic but where dropped off at the mall in their Mom's Lincoln Navigator.

Alissa said...

uh...ok then!

At any rate, congrats to Xan for getting a job!

Mark said...

I don't think the drop-off qualifies you. Afterall, you could be into the punk scene even though you have a trust fund. Now if you're just playing the part to fit in..

Alissa said...

But isn't that what all teenagers do anyway? I they're all posers trying to figure out who they really are.

Girl Next Door said...

Let's try and break down the actual meaning of the term emo.

Genre of softcore punk music that integrates unenthusiastic melodramatic 17 year olds who dont smile, high pitched overwrought lyrics and inaudible guitar rifts with tight wool sweaters, tighter jeans, itchy scarfs (even in the summer), ripped chucks with favorite bands signature, black square rimmed glasses, and ebony greasy unwashed hair that is required to cover at least 3/5 ths of the face at an angle.


Punk music on estrogen. Often acoustic guitar with soft, high male vocals that dwell exessively on the singer's feelings, especially melancholy remembrances of past relationships/mistakes in life. A form of music that diverged from punk in the '80s, the name "emo" is derived from the emotive style of the lyrics and music. This genre has lately been marketed heavily by the music industry to teenagers with bands such as Dashboard Confessional and Taking Back Sunday, and has seen much commercial and mainstream success. The music has also spawned a subculture which conforms to certain conventions in dress such as tight sweatshirts, tight band T-shirts and horn-rim glasses. Adherents profess to exessively melancholy temperments. Males that adhere to the emo subculture are sometimes confused with metrosexuals; indeed the line between the two is somwhat blurred, though both groups claim to be intouch with their emotional side. The ephemeral and hackneyed nature of emo songwriting suggests that its audience will be restricted largely to teenagers. the genre suffers from a lack of credibility outside the aforementioned demographic group, much like current Nu Metal bands.

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