Thursday, March 02, 2006

In Like A Lion...

Out like a lamb is all I can think.

Today I woke up to a beautiful white blanket of snow. It was breathtaking. In a deadly, annoying kind of way.

I stepped off my porch and the snow instantly went past my ankles. As I proceeded to clean off my car in a shitstorm of snow, all I could think is that maybe 6 months of the year, I am living in the wrong climate.

Winsconsin is beautiful, I am not denying that in anyway, but snow...I don't care for it. Not even a little. I don't snowmobile, I don't ski, I don't ice skate, I don't ice fish. I am not really into winter sports all that much. I don't like being cold. I adore Wisconsin from like May to mid-November. I even like the first snow of the year. When it gets to this point in the year, I am annoyed and frustrated and...just plain sick and tired of it all.

Its mornings like these that I think I could live elsewhere. Some place warm.


Joe said...

Dead. P-tooie!

Dirty Bunny said...

Yeah, me too. Don't let Joe fool you. We've actually thought about moving elsewhere. With his skills. (Yes, I said just 'skills' on purpose) and my well, nothing, we'd do okay somewhere else.

Alissa said...

You just need a garage!

BTW - We only had a little it looked like the wind blew what we already had onto the driveway. Lucky us! :-)

Girl Next Door said...

LMAO! Dude we had 7 inches!!!