Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Booming Babies...

There is a snippet on the front page of the local paper that reads, "Baby Boomers emerge as uncharted Meth addicts." After reading this, Kiki asked what exactly a baby boomer was. I don't want to spoil the awesomeness of Kiki actually posting something, so you can read about it on her blog (when she posts it). But this prompted me to AGAIN today head over to Urban Dictionary.

Baby Boomers are described as:
The generation born from 1943 to 1960. Towards the end of World War II, there was a surge in births hence the name "Baby Boom". During the 1960s, the Baby Boomers made up the core of the Counterculture, opposed to the Vietnam War and the Establishment. They are the parents of Generation X (born from 1961-1981) and Generation Y (born from 1982-2003).

Baby boomers are part of the "Damn the man" generation? I did not know this.
The previous description for Baby Boomer is as follows:
The people who are destroying social security.

But this led me to think about the differences between Gen X & Y.

Gen X'ers are described as:
The generation born right around the end of the 1960s baby boomer cultural takeover, basically anyone born after 1965 (Dylan going electric) and before 1977 (so that you'd hafta be at least 1 yr. old when Star Wars came out). The title Generation X was designated by the media to indicate a distinct group population for marketing purposes. Generation X members are generally considered laid back (slackers), market savvy (having been inundated by the mass media and MTV since their pre-teen years), prone to psychological disorders (the first generation with a majority to have grown up with absent or divorced parents), and considered less important than baby boomers (who are btw the egomaniacal bastids to make that distinction in the first place, sheesh). Generational trends however suggest that Gen Xers are smarter than people think, are more capable and hard working than expected, and will eventually rule the world by lining up the baby boomer bastards against the wall when the revolution comes!
Gen Y is:
The generation of people coming after the slacker and media influenced generation x. A generation known for superficiality, egos, mixture of urban and suburban cultures, school shootings, import cars, multi racial-ethnic-religious-national mix of people in society, spiritual seeking and searching, and the generation changed by 9/11 and who will be the generation that will change the world.

So what? Because I am a Gen X'er, I am not likely to change the world. That's a bunch of crap. Just for saying that...I am going to cure cancer or somethin. If you need me....I'll be in my lab.


Joe said...

She doesn't know what a baby boomer is, but she knows all about meth addicts? (snicker)

Mark said...

you have to have your priorities straight, Joe.