Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Isn't That Just A Slap In The Face...

This is the email I got from my supervisor today.

It has been brought to my attention by an Officer, that you ignored a customer on Saturday (April 30) morning. If someone comes
thru the drive-thru and if they are a few minutes early accomadate the customer. If we lose customers by them being
ignored we will never get them back. Without customers we do not have jobs. They must come first.
If you have any questions or concerns contact me.

Alright, let the ranting begin. First off, there where 2 people here. They won't single out The Grinch, but it's ok to single me out. Instead of saying something to both of us about the situation...The other person working, gave me up, when she was just as involved as I was. Secondly, I know who ratted me out. There were only 3 people in the building that day.

And what's the point of having hours anyways, if customers can just show up whenever. Urgh.


Girl Next Door said...

I know.

Joe said...

I'm pretty sure Blog Jesus loves you, too.

Mark said...

Since I've been a customer service slave for almost all of my working life, I tend to agree with your boss a little bit on this one.

That's isn't to say the blame rests only with you.

Girl Next Door said...

You can be expecting our divorce papers any day now.

Girl Next Door said...

My point lies in the fact that if you don't have hours...what's to keep them from respecting your time at all...So if I am still there at 6:30 on a friday night I should wait on them?

Joe said...

You should close the blinds and hide under the counter until they go away.

Feel free to do that during the day, too.

Girl Next Door said...

We dont have blinds here....they can see us all