Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Webster Says...

According to websters.com, grief is described as:

Deep mental anguish, as that arising from bereavement.

It can strike you in unexpected ways and bring forth unimaginable emotions.

Today, Rocky past away. He suffered from a condition that basically meant his throat was in the wrong place. He shouldn't have last as long as what he did. No one was aware of this until today when he went to the vet for abnormal behavior. After going in for surgery, the vet put him to sleep. He was a loyal dog to MM and PF for about 18 months.

I feel a bit an ass because, I blew off meeting MM tonight to go to a movie with S. After the movie, I stopped at her new place to repent for my sins. We sat on the floor and held each other and cried. Squidward came over and we just sat on the floor crying with MM and held her and let her cry.

He wasn't even my dog, but I loved him so. My heart goes out to her tonight.

1 comment:

Joe said...

MM and P... F? Who's PF? Was that supposed to be PS?

You totally need a post just to explain this stuff. Then you need to pin it to the sidebar and update it everytime you add someone new.