Monday, May 23, 2005

A Glance Back...

The Weekend Recap.

I worked Saturday and from their I went to help MM clean/pack her up. I can't believe it's almost my apartment. We threw and impromptu 'almost' birthday party and I had never laughed so hard in my whole life. And then things took a sharp turn south and it was not fun anymore. But I won't bum you out by filling you in on all that. MM went camera crazy thou and took like 80 pictures. We were pretty silly.

Sunday, I got up early and went to Wausau. See below. Had fun, spent too much. As always.

Today was a really rough day at work. It seems that 3 of us carry the weight of the entire teller staff because of either laziness or spacey-ness (yes that's a word). Kiki, Saltine, and I feel we do most of the work and as a result more gets dumped on us. They expect more of us and that's bullshit. Since we are all equals, we should all carry an equal load.

My schedule for the week must have changed like 4 or 5 times in 10 minutes today. It's funny how much white-out got used in such a small time.

I watch the season finale for Las Vegas tonight. All I can say is ... OMG!!!! And while I am talking about tv, let's talk The O.C. I watched the 1st season religiously. I never missed an episode, well this season I hadn't caught one. Fear not, enter the summer season. They are re-running the entire season this summer!!! YAY for me.

Well, Friends is about to start and I have to go find Pheobe. She's rolling around in her 'kritter ball', and I think she's stuck in a corner.

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