Monday, May 09, 2005

I Am Normally Not All Into That...

Ordinarily, I could give a crap about a celebrity's opinion. They are there to entertain me, nothing more, nothing less. Until I came upon this. I was a passer-by (??) until I saw one name. John Cusack. My favorite actor is a blogger. pitter patter goes my heart.


Joe said...

I read that today, too. I'm a big fan of Arianna Huffington, so I've been sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for their launch.

Mark said...

Can we expect to see

ariannahuffingtontossedmysalad in the future?

Joe said...

Actually, I've considered that. She is way hotter than Coulter. I'm trying to figure out a way to work her into my existing blog. "Ann Coulter Tossed My Salad While Arianna Huffington Watched And Touched Herself?"

I'll have to work on it.

Mark said...

I'd prefer to see Ann toss Ariana's salad, while you & I watched. A drank cold beer.

Joe said...

Toast to the booty.