Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I've Never...

Ever play that drinking game, "I've Never"? MrsGiggles introduced me to it (and many others, I might add) when we were going to 'school'. My post-secondary education was just what I did when there was nothing on sale, it was rainy outside, or there were no new Beanie Babies. Anyway, after reading on PJS's blog, I am inspired to write my own little list. I was working on a '100 things about me' post, but this is easier for now. Seeing as how I am blocked at 50, I am made up my mind that I am not that interesting and I have no idea why people read this. I mean, all 6 of you have nothing better to do?


Ten Things I have Never Done.

  1. I have never had Rocky Road ice cream.
  2. I have never seen a Star Wars movie from start to finish.
  3. I have never been brave enough to pierce anything other then my ears.
  4. I have never been any further west then the Twin Cities.
  5. I have never been thin.
  6. I have never been white water rafting.
  7. I have never gone home with a stranger after a night of drinking.
  8. I have never been able to stand-up for myself.
  9. I have never lived alone.
  10. I have never missed friends like I do now.


PJS said...

Here's a little hint for your "100 things about me" (not that I've done one yet)... a few blog acquaintances of mine have turned to old friends as "guest commentators" on their 100 list, so you could maybe go to a friend or relative to submit "10 things about you", that might get the creative juices flowing again and get you that much closer to 100!

P.S.- your "things you've never done" are things about you, so those could count too!


Alissa said...

I'm such a great influence, I know!

And I miss you too! (That is, if you were talking about missing me!)

Girl Next Door said...

Of course I was talking about you...and MrGiggles, and MJ & fam. But mostly you