Monday, May 23, 2005

Meet Phoebe...

I adopted Phoebe the Gerbil on May 22. She's cute and really shy yet. She likes to hide under her playhouse when she sees us coming. I want to try out her 'kritter ball' tonight, but I should just leave her be I guess for a day or two.

1 comment:

Joe said...

There's three things to keep in mind with your new gerbil.

1. Metal
2. Metal
3. Metal

Gerbils will chew through just about anything. Anything plastic will gradually be ground down to nothing.

When I had Pinky and The Brain, the only things I could keep in their cage were a steel food dish and a granite rock for them to play on. I even had to jury-rig a harness to hang their water bottle in the middle of the cage so they couldn't lean against the wall and chew the bottle.