Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day...

*Cue Jimmy Fallon Bit*

If you haven't seen the Jimmy Fallon Best of SNL DVD, go to the video store right now. It's funny.

But anyway, it was a nice day. My mom was a bit of a crap weasel when she opened my gift, kind of made me feel like shit. She has apologized alot for it. I figure I can get alot of miles out of this one should I be so inclined. The brothers were over. Knocked a badmitton birdie around a little, an enjoyable time was had by all.

My mother just made a comment that to avoid an outporing of tears (which will happen yet), I did not ask about. "It was nice to have you all here today. This will probably the last year that happens on Mother's Day." Ok, I can't help but feel this is a comment about me moving. I am moving 8 blocks away, Digi lives like 6 blocks away. Ok Bubba, does live in IL. But she makes me feel like I am moving to Alaska or something. It might just all be in my head. It's likely a lot goes on in there.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Take that, rewind it back. Jimmy Fallon got the beats that make yo momma go WAP!