Sunday, August 13, 2006

All That And A Bag Of Piss...

Melly and I were just outside saying goodbye and so was my crazy church neighbor.

Normally, we wouldn't think anything of it.

Except she was standing there holding her cath bag.

The woman was standing outside. Holding a bag full of piss, connected by tubing to her cooch.

What does one say to that?


Anonymous said...

Bag of piss? That's like a portable party.

Dirty Bunny said...

I hope I never have to worry about a portable party, although maybe I could actually sleep more than 4 hours at a time without having to get up to pee....or would I just have to empty my bag...shit I don't know...ick.

Chris said...

I would never mess with anyone holding a bag of piss, but that is just me.