Monday, August 28, 2006

Chronicles Of The College Bound...

There are possibly going to be alot of posts with this title for awhile. Bear with me whilest rant.

So I am talking to my supervisor today, letting her know that I am going back to school.

"I don't know how much we are going to be able to bend on your schedule."

WTF?!?!?! Bend on my schedule? If I can't be there, I can't be there.

What a douche bag.

Everyone is making this as tough as possible, I think.

Oh yes, and my step-dad thinks that I am wasting my money.


HST said...

did your step dad go to college? I'm guessing no.

Girl Next Door said...

Nope. And I imagine he is basing this on the fact that I quit last time.

Dirty Bunny said...

You quit and didn't have your heart into it last time. It's only a waste if you make it that way. You're a different person than you were then. He needs to understand that.

Anonymous said...

You should mix up these post titles at least a little bit so it's easier to see which posts are new.

Paw and Claw Designs said...

did you have to pay for school out of your own pocket last time?

if you didn't, and are now, believe me, it makes it ALOT more important when you have to plunk down your own money.

when i first went it was dad and the schools money, so i skipped classes, didn't study, blah blah.

now, if my fucking money..i know every time i don't give 110% it's a day of work i have to make up for because thats how much money i just wasted....

you WANT it now, before it may have been somethign you "had to do"

it's clearly more important now, so you WILL succeed...


Paw and Claw Designs said...

oh, and tell the advise to suck it, and take to the instructors directly about "bending your schedual"...they're not stupid....the get you have to least mine did, they'll work with you if you have a legitamite reason....