Monday, August 21, 2006

A Complete 180...

I love when a completely crap day, turns itself around and becomes something to make you smile.

I love that!

Today, I was all freaking out over school (still am), but I was on the phone just bitching away to my mom on lunch (now you know things were bad...I called mom). And she asked if I was really going back to school when I couldn't afford groceries. My reply was simple.

"I will obviously, continue to not eat."

For the 1st time in my adult life, my mother stepped up to the plate and was a mother.

She showed up at work with no less then 10 shopping bags full of food.

"Now you have one less thing to worry about."

That might be the coolest thing she has ever done.

And then...(I know, you are thinking, how could it get any better?)

We had some weird techincal program problem that was giving our IT Deptment A-N-D the programs tech support quite a bit of problems ...

And I fixed it, while they were all sitting around scratching their I had to tell the tech support guys how to fix their problems.


I know it might seem silly to you, but I am feeling pretty good about things right now.


Ren said...

All hail the IT queen!

Ren said...

Or is it "heil"?

I don't know.

Chris said...

That is soo cool. I am having a little problem with the network here, too. You see when I installed the driver, then the IPX packets stopped at...oh never mind.

P.S. I need groceries too. Can I have your mom's number?