Thursday, April 06, 2006

Striking Back...

Well, my body is pissed at me. I am not hungover, but something is not right in funkytown. I am sure it's a combination of the fact that I drank last night and I didn't eat dinner (I made dinner but I forgot about it, due to the drink in my hand) and I didn't have time for breakfast this morning. So I am sure now that I have eaten something, my body is trying to adjust to food going in and alcohol working it's way out.

But it sucks.


Adams Avenue said...

Whatever you do . . . . don't eat anything dairy.

Don't even THINK about it.

In my case in these situations:

Drinking without dinner: More drunk = good.

Hung over without breakfast: not hungry anyway = works out.

Dairy with hung over stomach/body: You aasking for an ass explosion.

dannydontgo said...

I'm rock hard and shit like that.

Girl Next Door said...

That's cuz Frankie said ass, darling.