Monday, April 24, 2006

Explain This To Me...

Why does caffeine have such a strong grip on me?

I never used to even like coffee and suddenly, I can't drive past the little latte shop without drooling!!

Someone explain this to me.


Dirty Bunny said...

I think we should go to CA...

That's caffeine anonymous, not California.

But, we should definitely go there too.

Girl Next Door said...

Hehehehe. Lets do both.

Ren said...

See... Caffeine rhymes with cocaine not just by chance. They both selectively block the uptake of serotonin in your brain, making you feel awake. Serotonin mellows you out. The only difference is that cocaine does it all over your brain, and caffeine does it only in the "awake/sleepy" centers of your brain. For more info, and the really detailed scientific stuff, go to and look for caffeine. Also, you get college credit for this little dissertation.

Paw and Claw Designs said...

caffine rhymes with cocaine?

no it doesn't!

Chlorine rhymes with Caffine


Propane rhymes with Cocaine..


Dirty Bunny said...

Yeah, Labbie, I don't even think it qualifies as a slant rhyme.

Have you perhaps partaken of a little summin summin?

Alissa said...

I think it's the taste of coffee for me. Since I've switched to decaf and I still want it that's got to be it. LoL...or the whipped cream they slather all over it! :-)

Girl Next Door said...

oooooh whip!