Monday, April 17, 2006

Movie Mumblings...

Waiting... - I thought it was funny as hell. But I can also see how it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. A day in the life wait staff at your favorite restaurant. At first, I thought it was really stupid but then the more I watched, the more I could relate to them. This is going to be a cult classic along the lines of Office Space.

Indian Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark - How did I make it to adulthood without seeing this movie?? It was good.

Employee of the Month - Sarcastic and strange. But I did relate to the bank teller gone crazy thing.

Good Night and Good Luck - It was alright. I don't get the hype thou. It was solidly alright.

Failure to Launch - Humna Humna Humna. Matthew McConaughey is a tasty man treat. And I tell you what, Bradley Cooper ain't bad looking either. And they spent a large portion of the movie wet. MMMmmm. And you know, I didn't completely hate Sarah Jessica Parker either.

1 comment:

Girl Next Door said...

hehehe. It was good.