Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Musical Musings...

Are you looking for new music?

Look no further then your tv.

Are you an indie rocker looking for a little mainstream cred?

Write a catchy song that can be used as a jingle. If you are in need of inspiration, look to the following:

The Pepsi commerical featuring Jimmy Fallon and Parker Posey: Streamline by Newton
The Honda commercial: Galang by M.I.A.
The Bud Select commercial: Galvanize by The Chemical Brothers
The Saturn commercial: Unconditional by The Bravery
The Motorola SILVR commerical: Bom Bom Bom by Living Things

These are just the songs that caught my ear. The Chemical Brothers have been around for awhile but can credit this commerical to the sucess of their recent album Push the Button. Living Things and M.I.A quite sometime ago had been featured as iTunes free download of the week. I love that they are getting some attention now.

Speaking of that free download of the week, a lot of songs make it big after being featured there. Think about it, almost every computer purchased these days comes with iTunes built right in to the standard program package. It's making WinAmp obsolete. It's so much cooler and a piece of cake to look for and sample new tunes. Even if you don't purchase from them, they allow you to hear samples of the songs letting you in on the best part. iTunes has jsut become such a crucial part of my life. I use it daily on my home PC.

I am going to try and remember to let you know every week what the featured free download of the week would be. And give you an opinon as to whether or not it's worth seeking out for yourself. But we all know, that means I will forget after a few weeks or get bored with my pick-up line feature.


Anonymous said...

I loves me some Chemical Brothers.

Mark said...

I use iTunes as well, but it didn't come preloaded onto my laptop.