Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring Ahead...

Did you remember to set your clocks ahead?

I am excited....because for the next six or seven months (is it true they moved the fall daylight savings to November?) the clock in my car will read the right time! Rock on!! Only one clock in my house really needed to be changed this morning. And that was on the stove. My cellphone and computer took care of themselves. And well, the clock on the wall, it hasn't kept time for a week. Perhaps I should buy a battery today.

I don't believe we actually lose an hour of sleep. The majority of people don't work Sundays, and we are going to sleep as long as we want anyway. So to those that bitch...nah nah nah.

The only scene I actually watched in Rush Hour 2 last night was the scene with Jeremy Piven. And then I promptly fell asleep.


Mark said...

My weekend has been all jacked up. Have to change everything around and switch from a day shift schedule to a night shift schedule. My weekend sucked, a lot.

Girl Next Door said...

that would blow.

Dirty Bunny said...

Welcome to my world, Poncerelli.

Alissa said...

And for those of us getting up and going places on say SUCKS!! LoL...but since I fell asleep around 8:00 on Saturday night it didn't much matter. :-)

Mark said...

DB - working the night shift doesn't bother me, in fact I enjoy nights. What I don't enjoy is only having 2 days to rearrange my schedule and knowing that I'll be back on day shift in 2 weeks.