Saturday, April 22, 2006

Paging Dr. Doolittle...

I came home to a zoo today.

A bird managed to get itself on my back porch. It was chilling out so quietly, that I did not hear it. However, opening the door startled it. Right into the house. Picture me, chasing a mourning dove around my kitchen. Kinda comical.

Well, once I got it back on the porch, the glass windows must have confused it. It kept flying into them. It happened so many times that it dazed itself. While I am trying to scoop the bird onto my badmitton racket, I catch a glimpse of a little brown blur out of the corner of my eye.

That's right.

A mouse.

So once I got the bird out the door, it was time to learn how to set my first mouse trap. Well, I impressed myself by not snapping myself with the trap right away. But the mouse is smarter then me. He got the cheese without setting the trap off. Just moments ago, I heard that snap I had been waiting for. Nope, empty trap. But this time as I am resetting the trap, sure as shit I snapped myself. I have a tiny little blood blister on my one finger tip. Those fuckers hurt!!!

So now, we wait.


Dirty Bunny said...

Peanut butter works better. When I lived in Kansas we had a huge mouse problem...until we put peanut butter in the traps.

Girl Next Door said...

Well, I know this for next time.