Monday, August 22, 2005

Movie Mumblings...

It was a busy movie weekend...Try to keep up.

MM and I watched Prozac Nation on Friday night. I love Christina Ricci and I love Elizabeth Wetzel. I did not love this. It seemed to ramble on without much point. I was so disappointed. It was just long and draggy, maybe there was just too much drama and what seemed like a sudden ending. It made me think about how many people I know who/have or had been on Prozac or something other. We really are a nation trapped by our pharmacy visits. They are like our dealers, what makes them any different then the kid on the corner?....But hey...that's not what this post is about.

Saturday NN1 and I watched Cadet Kelly. I love Hilary Duff. I do. I love her. She's sugar, spice and everything nice (but what's up with those teeth?).

Sunday S and his roommate came over and we watched Melvin Goes to Dinner, God, Sex and Apple Pie, and Empire Records.

MGTD: I loved it!!! I was raw, emotional, gritty, honesty and just plain good. I am a big indie film fan and this movie just re-enforced that belief.

GSAP: This movie just sucked.

Empire Records: This is like my favorite movie of all time. I just adore it. If I don't get this movie for my birthday, I am going to be devastated. I told my mom, but I will probably get a cookbook or something...


Joe said...

Cadet Kelly? I've seen the movie box for that. The way Christy Carlson Romano is wearing that uniform and has that dour look on her face... wow. Total dominatrix fantasy.

Girl Next Door said...

LOL, there are no words I wish to use...

Joe said...

Romano is the voice of Kim Possible, you know.

Mark said...


I can't say that I share that fantasy, and I didn't even know who that girl was, by her name anyway, but yeah.. she's pretty hot.