Sunday, August 07, 2005

I Can Burn Water...

Why is it that when I lived at home, I could cook anything and now that I live on my own and my survival depends on it...I burn water?

Last night I was making pancakes and not once, but twice; I burned the pan. Not the pancakes, the pan. Did you know that non-stick pan spray will catch fire? It really does. I just couldn't get the pan the right temp and the spray kept burning. I have no idea how to get that out of the pan now. In my frustrations, I whipped out the waffle iron I thought I would never use.

I am a waffle goddess. Don't believe me? Come here, I'll prove it.


Alissa said...

You're SO making us waffles when we visit at the end of the month!

Girl Next Door said...


Joe said...

You've never made me waffles.

Girl Next Door said...

Well, umm....

Ok so I owe you waffles.