Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Uma I Am Not...

I am not even Michelle Kwan.

Miss Kwan would have slid across that patch of ice with style and grace. People would appauld. Uma would use these crutches as weapons and continue to seek revenege on the people who have wronged her. I can hardly even walk on them.

Last night, I slipped on a patch of ice outside my apartment and laid in the snow for a bit and laughed. It was funny until I tried to get up...pain...not really funny. Thinking I just twisted something, I was off to Joe and the Bunny's pad, and my YMCA appt. At some point after that, I thought to myself..."Wow, this hurts. Perhaps I should go to the doctor."

Several x-rays later, a hard splint and crutches and I was on my way. I didn't break anything. It's likely it's a sprain. They don't really know. I have to go back in like 2 weeks. If I am not better, go get additional x-rays. If I am better, to get the splint cut off.

I talked to work today, they are making me take tomorrow off. It's good and bad. I appreciate the extra day off to get a little more used to everything. But I really would much rather get back into the routine of things and not use an extra vacation day to sit on my ass.

I can see improvements on how I am moving around the house. It's not so bad except my armpits really hurt. Which I know is a sign that I am using the crutches wrong.

I am on vicodin for pain. I mean, I was prescribed it and I have it...but I am not taking it. I want to be alert and stuff during the day.

Well, I am getting tired of sitting here. So to the couch I go!!!


Joe said...

When is the next Icecapades show?

Girl Next Door said...


Dirty Bunny said...

Gotta love our Northwoods doctors. My have asthma, no you have pneumonia, nope we've finally decided you have several lung clots...Frickin' A, they can't tell if it's broken or not? I'm at a loss for words. What a Mickey Mouse set up.

Girl Next Door said...

This is the cool part...if it's not broken still might.